Devotional Thoughts

Matthew presents a portrait of Jesus as the Christ, showing how the ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus is tied together with his role as Messiah. However, what separates Matthew from the other Gospel writers, is the focus on the church, its way of life in response to the message of Jesus.

In chapter 10 of Matthew verses 26-42, the rewards and cost of discipleship are presented. Disciples are to proclaim openly the Kingdom of God. Those who bear witness will be vindicated before God. Those who deny Jesus will be denied by the father.

So great are the demands of being a disciple of Jesus, it will lead to conflict with one's family and parents. This is in contrast to the Jewish faith where the family is the center of existence. This was a radical view. However, full conformity to live the authentic life God has intended may require disciples to give up their lives. To be a disciple of Jesus is very costly. You must leave behind your family and you must be willing to give up your life.

The last two verses of this text lay out the rewards to those who are kind to the disciples of Jesus.

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